Life in isolation

I’d love to say that writing is moving along faster with the requirement to shelter in place. Truth be told, the state of the world is more than a little distracting. Are you finding that to be so, gentle readers?

When I’m balancing my time, I regularly get 750 to a thousand words at a time. My average is around 1500 words a day for words I can keep. Looking back over the last few weeks, the numbers are there but the quality is not.

Today I decided to lighten up. It’s okay to be disturbed by the loss of freedom, hugs, and time spent with friends. It’s sad, that’s understandable.

It feels like the right thing to do is outlining, making plans for future writing. Soon enough I’ll return to the novel with renewed energy.

I am well and safe. Be safe out there, and mind how you go.